Denne video er fra en udsendelse i TV2-Bornholm fra april. Her synger jeg NEGOTIATION i selskab med B-Joe.
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she woke up quite early like so many times before
her head was aching, her body was sore
he was laying with his back to her snoring, fast asleep
lookin’ like a little child, no wrinkles on his cheek
who were you talkin’ to? he asked her again
believe me, she replied, it was just an old friend
you liar! he yelled, as his hand was raised
not when the kids are watching, she begged
right before he hit her face
when his eyes are getting dark
and the mood’s getting rotten
when his spirits are changing all of a sudden
there ain’t nothing you can do in such a situation
but to run away ‘cause there ain’t no time
for negotiation
after some time he got tired, and then he took her in
to the bedroom and started doin’ his thing
she lay on her back with her eyes firmly shut
waiting to get it overwith, feeling like a slut
silently in the darkness she let out her tears
her anger was struggling in her mind against her fears
the sleep came by and gave her some relief
took her to a secret place inside to stay at ease
when his eyes are getting dark
and the mood’s getting rotten
when his spirits are changing all of a sudden
there ain’t nothing you can do in such a situation
but to run away ‘cause there ain’t no time
for negotiation
she woke up the kids, sayin’ hush, not a sound!
soon daddy will be waking and then we won’t be around.
they sneaked down the stairs and out into the morning dim
a cab took them out of town, far away from him
when his eyes are getting dark
and the mood’s getting rotten
when his spirits are changing all of a sudden
there ain’t nothing you can do in such a situation
but to run away ‘cause there ain’t no time
for negotiation
Tekst & musik: June Beltoft – all rights reserved